Canadian Avanti Owners' Association




Membership 2024


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President's Message


Greetings All,

Well, it seems despite the changeable weather we’ve been having in Ontario that the season seems to be up and running at last. Lots of shows and events this year so it looks like things are getting back to some sense of normal after the Covid debacle. People as always want to get out and enjoy the events and camaraderie that come with driving and showing off our cars. I attended a local cruise night recently and one comment stood out for me. As I was checking out a beautiful 58' Chev Impala, someone mentioned the fact that so much change took place between the 1950’s and 70’s, a brief 20-year time span before the “Jelly Bean” era of design when every make and model became somewhat homogenous. I mean, compare anything from 2004 to 2024. That era was something that likely hadn’t happened prior nor will ever again. Perhaps also the fact that a certain generation growing up during that period before the internet and cell phones, seemed to have a natural tendency for ‘hands on’ interests when we were actually involved in fixing and maintaining our rides or with the help of friends and neighbours. And let’s face it, how many of us in our late teens or twenties could ever afford a “New” car. Also of course, those rides were actually repairable by just about anyone who had a smattering of basic tools and had access to local junk yards for ‘less used’ bits and pieces. Cars were actually a part of our lives and memories, both good and bad. Of course, design also had a lot to do with it. I mean these days can you really tell the difference between a Cadillac and a Chev SUV except for maybe the tiny badge stuck somewhere…and what? A Cadillac SUV!!! Now head out to a car show and tell me you can’t tell the difference between the two. Ah, those WERE the days. Likewise, I really don’t think the nostalgia issue is the determining feature for collecting, preserving, and or restoring these cars as they represent a much broader aspect of our collective history and culture similar to Historic architecture or engineering. Anyway…I guess I’ve rambled on enough. Back to our collective interests in the Avanti, we are fortunate that due to the persistence of a classic design despite being a low volume model, just about every piece and component as well as the expertise to restore these cars are still available at what are actually reasonable prices. A friend of mine recently restored a 92’ Chev Silverado Pick up and I was blown away at what he paid for things like bumpers, side trim, reproduction factory wheels etc. Yikes. So of course, we all cringe when we get any bill these days, just seems to be the way things are. But in perspective, the Avanti is still an amazing deal for what you are getting and likely to hold its own against other domestic makes and models. And let’s not forget about the AOAI International meet in Detroit this September!!


Check out details on the AOAI website. Harvey Snitzer and Bill Krueger have put together an excellent program of events and of course, there are so many things to see and do in the Motor City and environs, make it a destination Holiday! Hope to see you there. Lots of events coming up this summer wherever you happen to live, so check out your local sources and enjoy the days. As I always say, “why is winter so long and summer so short?“ Carpe Diem!


Steve Wohlber



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06/24/2024 09:22:05 AM

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Susan M. Lusted
